City Hall Information
From the Desk of the Mayor
March 23, 2020
We are extending the closing of City Hall to the public. City Hall will remain closed at least until the end of the day on Tuesday, April 7. City Hall staff will continue to work in City Hall unless they are not feeling well. Signs at the City Hall entrances have been updated letting the public know the building is closed until April 7 and the City’s phone number is posted for people to contact City Hall in case of an urgent issue. Water bills can be paid through the mail slot in the front door.
Police and Public Works operations will continue although non-urgent direct contact with the public will be minimized.
The CDC has directed that we are to “stay at home” until at least April 7, and to limit any gathering to ten or less. Obviously, the more we can isolate ourselves, the slower the spread of the virus; please heed this directive!
The Governor has also directed all “non-essential” businesses to close. The definition of a non-essential business is somewhat vague. Generally, businesses are self-determining if they are essential or not. We prefer that you decide yourself if your business is essential, or a part of an essential supply chain, and error on the side of safety to your employees and customers.
He also stresses that we shouldn’t flood the grocery store or hoard essential products. We’ve heard this before and know that we shouldn’t, but some continue. Please quit!
My advice continues to be – be cautious and try to remain calm.
More to come as I hear and learn more….
From the Desk of the Mayor
March 16, 2020
Due to the concerns of the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, I want to outline some of the actions that the City is taking….
We will be closing City Hall to the public as of first thing tomorrow morning, March 17. City Hall will remain closed at least until the end of the day on Tuesday, March 31. City Hall staff will continue to work in City Hall unless they are not feeling well. Signs are posted at the City Hall entrances letting the public know the building is closed and the City’s phone number is posted for people to contact City Hall in case of an urgent issue. Water bills can be paid through the mail slot in the front door.
All meetings, the Council meeting, Committee meetings, Plan Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, are cancelled or postponed. We will re-evaluate things just prior to March 31.
Police and Public Works operations will continue although non-urgent direct contact with the public will be minimized.
Per the Governor’s Executive Directive, all eating and drinking establishment, must close at 9:00 pm tonight, March 16. However, drive-throughs and/or curb side service is allowed; just no public inside. If a drinking establishment does not abide, they may have their liquor license suspended or revoked. The State is also shutting down all video gaming as of 9:00 tonight.
All special events on public property scheduled between now and the end of April are cancelled. Also, the issuance of vouchers for the Voucher Program is postponed. Other events seem to be shutting down already but, if not, they should consider cancellation or postponement.
As far as I know at this time, the regular polling places will be open for the primary election on Tuesday, March 17.
As I mentioned in my previous article, I’m not an alarmist, but I am a realist. The spread of this virus is real and we should be concerned and cautious. Prevention of the spreading of the virus is mostly up to you. You’ve heard it all; it’s common sense – wash your hands, stay home if you don’t feel well, avoid physical contact, stay away from large crowds, etc. My best message to you is to be cautious and remain calm.
If you visit the City’s web site, you’ll find a link to the Peoria County Health Department and the Office of the Governor as he has issued a guidance to minimize the spread of the virus.
If you have any suggestions of what else we can do, please contact me or City Hall. This issue will pass; we are resilient; as a people, a city, and a country. the City and this community are coming together to prevent the spreading of this virus. We’ll be fine….